Irrigation Problems:
Following are the major irrigation problems.
1. Low Water Availability
2. Low Water Table
3. Salinity
4. Poor Mechanism of Irrigation
In the following we will discuss each problems.
1. Low Water Availability:
Under developing countries have very low supply of water to irrigate their crops specially in Asian countries water storage capacity of dams are very minimal. Arid areas have very less amount of rainfall. According to a survey of U.S. geological department 68,000 acres of land require 27 million Galons.
2. Low Water Table:
Water Table is that surface area where pressure head is almost equal to atmospheric pressure. Due to low availability of water the water head level is very down. Due to low water table the irrigation has become very difficult.
3. Salinity:
Salinity is basically access amount of salt in water. Salty water is usually caused by industrial effluents. The industries are working without any check and balance and they are continuously eliminating their wastes in lakes and rivers. This contaminated water mix with sea water and ultimately cause salinity in irrigation water.
4. Poor Mechanism:
In developing countries mechanism of irrigation is not much efficient
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