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Fruits Which Develop Immunity Against Corona- COVID-19

Benefits of Fruits to Build Strong Immunity against Corona

A healthy diet is necessary to boost up immunity of human body. Today life is very busy. Most of us do not pay head to maintain nutrients requirement of our body. This hectic routine makes everyone too weak internally. As we know this time the whole world is passing by difficult situation. Corona Virus is spreading all over the world and causing thousands of deaths. It spreads with a very fast rate. So, there is no need to be panic in this situation. One thing we should do is to stay at home and should increase our immunity against Corona. Our immunity system must be strong enough to fight against this fatal disease. We can improve our immunity by increasing amount of vitamin C in our body. Naturally, Vitamin C cannot produce in human bodies but can be taken up by eating fruits. In fact, Vitamin C promotes the activity of phagocytes, growth and spread of lymphocytes, a type of immune cell that increases your circulating antibodies.

Benefits of Fruits against Corona:
 Following is the list of fruits which provide essential nutrients to develop immunity against   COVID 19.
1.      Strawberries
Strawberries are enriched with vitamin C. A half cup of strawberries contains 50% of the vitamin C required for our body. Sometimes we are exposed to free radicals in the environment which can affect our respiratory system. Strawberries defend our respiratory system by protecting cells from damage. Further it is recommended to add strawberries with yogurt, oatmeal or on top of wheat toast to get maximum amount vitamin C.

1.      Oranges
Oranges are a best source of vitamin C.  Oranges are famous for their taste and availability of nutrition as well. Orange is a type of fruit with minimum calories and high nutrition. Oranges are also important because of a huge plants with antioxidants which help to reduce inflammation and work against diseases especially Corona.

1.      Kiwi

Kiwi is also known as Chinese gooseberry. This is a nutrient dense food with minimal calories. First time it was introduced in New Zealand by a school teacher in 1904 who returned from China with seeds. Availability of vitamin C in rich quantity makes this fruit quite valuable. Kiwi further helps to regulate blood pressure, boost wound healing and improves defense system of human body.

1.      Lemon
Lemon is also rich with availability of vitamin C and flavonoids which are basically antioxidants. Lemon helps to improve our immune system. It lowers the stroke risk. According to a study in 2012 flavonoids in citrus reduce ischemic stroke in women. It is used by people in small quantity to add flavor. 58 grams of lemon can provide 30 milligrams of vitamin C. It makes human body strong against multiple diseases. Further lemon helps in maintaining blood pressure. It increases iron absorption. It reduces cholesterol level by reducing weight. It is also beneficial for the patient of cancer

1.      Grapes
As Mango is the King of fruits, grapes are known as Queen of fruits. This fruit is also a rich source of vitamin C. Grapes are full of antioxidants. They contain phytonutrients which help in preventing from certain kind of cancer. It also regulates blood pressure to keep healthy. Potassium is also present in grapes. According to research a low sodium and high potassium diet is beneficial for heart patients. Grapes boost our brain and nervous system and also prevents our body from skin problems.

1.      Guava
Guava is also rich in Vitamin C, antioxidants and potassium. It improves our body immunity. According to a research people used tea of guava leaves have low sugar level. High level of antioxidants and vitamins help out our heart. Guavas also help in weight loss. Guava is a low calorie fruit which helps to maintain blood pressure in normal range. Guava is also helpful for cancer patients. Daily intake of Guava will provide large amount of vitamin C. This amount of vitamin provided by Guava is twice to that of Orange.

 In the above we discuss vitamin C enriched fruits but if we add yogurt in our daily meal this can help us a lot to boost up our immunity. Yogurt is highly nutritious and is an excellent source of protein. You can add yogurt in daily breakfast to start a healthy day.  So, the above are benefits of vitamin C. In the following we will discuss the disadvantages of extra intake.

Dis-advantages of Extra intake of Vitamin C.
Ever thing is beneficial if is taken up in required amount. Excess of ever thing is dangerous. If your daily meal fulfils the required amount of vitamin C then there is no need to take and extra supplement. Any excess will be excreted in urine. According to a research ingesting more than 2,000 mg of vitamin C ever day may cause severe diseases like nausea, diarrhea and kidney stones.

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